Vedomax Todri Red Seeds, Tudri Lal Beej, Todri Surkh, Lepidium Iberis

Vedomax Todri Red Seeds, Tudri Lal Beej, Todri Surkh, Lepidium Iberis


From 69.00

Todri Red Todri Lal Beej, Lepdium Iberis Pepper grass is used in Ayurveda to treat cough, asthma, diabetes, urinary retention etc. It is also used as aphrodisiac and anti ageing herb.

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Todri Lal or Todri Surkh is useful in bronchial inflammation, diarrhea, blood in urine, and urinary diseases. It is recommended to treat gonorrhea, increase breast size, and treat weakness, gout, and inflammation. Dosage-as directed by a physician. It directly targets the root cause of the disease and is quite effective in relieving the symptoms soon after indigestion. There are very few chances of the reoccurrence of the symptoms or the disease itself. As it is a herbal remedy, there are a few to no side effects. It is extensively used in treatment because of its availability as well as cost-effectiveness. It is advised to take controlled dosages only after consulting your doctor for people of all age groups.


Sample 10 Gram Pack, 50 Gram Pack, 100 Gram Pack, 200 Gram Pack, 400 Gram Pack, 800 Gram Pack



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