jadibooti raw

Gurmar Leaves: Benefits, Price, and Uses

Gurmar leaves, also known as Gymnema Sylvestre, are a popular Ayurvedic herb with potential health benefits. They are believed to help regulate blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, promote weight loss, and improve heart health. Additionally, Gudmar leaves may have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Gurmar leaves can be consumed in various forms, including tea or in …

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Chasteberry Seeds: Benefits, Tea, and Price

Chasteberry seeds come from the Chaste tree, also known as Vitex agnus-castus, a small shrub native to the Mediterranean and Central Asia. The seeds have been used in traditional medicine for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions, particularly those related to women’s reproductive health. It’s important to note that while chaste berry may …

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Indrajau Kadwa: Benefits, Uses, Name, and Price

Indrajav Kadwa is a herbal remedy that can be used to treat multiple health conditions. It is a beneficial remedy for the treatment of digestive disorders. The taste of Inderjau kadwa is bitter and astringent. These herb seeds, leaves, and barks of Indrajau kadwa are majorly used for ayurvedic formula preparation. Indrajau Kadwa, also known …

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