Vedomax Kaunch Seeds Black (powder) – Kauch Beej Kala – Konch – Mucuna Pruriens Black – Cowhage

Vedomax Kaunch Seeds Black (powder) – Kauch Beej Kala – Konch – Mucuna Pruriens Black – Cowhage


From 70.00

Health Benefits Of Hibiscus Powder
  • Nagarmotha powder is useful to manage various health issues like obesity, indigestion, and worm infestation. The Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties of Nagarmotha helps to reduce Ama ( toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion) which is a prime cause of obesity and other digestive disorders.
  • Abdominal pain. Nagarmotha gives to relief from abdominal pain due to gas or flatulence. Flatulence is caused due to an imbalance of Vata and Pitta Dosha. …
  • Indigestion. Nagarmotha helps to manage indigestion. …
  • Diarrhea.

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Vedomax Kaunch Seeds Black (powder) – Kauch Beej Kala – Konch – Mucuna Pruriens Black – Cowhage

Kaunch Beej is the Hindi name of Cowhage or Cowitch. It belongs to the family of legumes and is a good source of protein. The seeds are generally called Magic Velvet Beans and are an important herbal drug used to treat male infertility and nervous disorders. The scientific name of the plant is Mucuna pruriens.

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