VedoMax Champawati – Plumeria Obtusa – चम्पावती

VedoMax Champawati – Plumeria Obtusa – चम्पावती


From 69.00

Benefits of CHAMPAWATI

  • It helps us in preventing and curing the following:
    • The flowers are commonly used in leis and to make perfumes.

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Champawati, plumeria obtusa

The various species of Plumeria are known to have medicinal properties and have a long history of use by indigenous and tribal people in India. The medicinal value of this Plumeria species in the treatment of a large number of human ailments is mentioned in Ayurveda, Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita mentions the medicinal value of Plumeria species in the treatment of a large number of human diseases. These plants are well known for their religious value, cosmetic importance and tremendous potential to be used as medicinal agents to cure infections, digestive diseases, antiinflammatory and antipyretic action, anti-tumor potential, anti-oxidant properties, as a purgative, remedy for diarrhea, bronchitis, cough, asthma, fever bleeding piles, dysentery, blood disorders and tumors etc. Today it is a challenge for scientists to provide efficient, safe and cheap medications. In this case Plumeria can be an exclusive medicine which is widely distributed throughout our country.

Form: Dried Raw Herb

Other Names: White Frangipani, Singapore frangipani, Kathgolop, Gulchin, Champa, Khagi-leihao, Plumeria, West Indian Jasmine, Pagoda Tree (Far East), Seemai arali, Dead Man’s Fingers, Flower Of The Cross, Frangipani, Graveyard Tree, Singapore Frangipani, Champeya, Hemapushpa, Champaka, Golenchi, Golachin, Champa, Chafa, Frangipani, Common Frangipani, Kemboja, Bunga Kubur, Red Frangipani, Nosegay Frangipani, Chempaka, Pagoda Tree, Camboja

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