VedoMax Shalparni – Shalaparni – Sarivan – Desmodium Gangeticum

VedoMax Shalparni – Shalaparni – Sarivan – Desmodium Gangeticum


From 69.00

Benefits Of VedoMax Shalparni
  • Shalparnia helps to manage fever due to its antipyretic property.
  • It is also useful for respiratory problems like bronchitis as it helps to relax the respiratory passages and decreases inflammation due to its bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory properties.

More Details

VedoMax Shalparni – Shalaparni – Sarivan – Desmodium Gangeticum –

Shalparni is bitter as well as sweet in taste. The root of this plant is one of the constituents of the famous Ayurvedic preparation called Dasmoola.
Shalparnia helps to manage fever due to its antipyretic property. It is also useful for respiratory problems like bronchitis as it helps to relax the respiratory passages and decreases inflammation due to its bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory properties. This allows free flow of air to respiratory passages and eases breathing.

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10 Gram Pack (Sample), 50 Grams Pack, 100 Grams Pack, 250 Grams Pack, 400 Grams Pack, 900 Grams Pack, 3 x 900 Grams Pack



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